Rocked in the Cradle of Scent

THERE ARE OVER 3,000 KILOMETRES of coastline that sandwich Oman between the desert (Rub’ al Khali, ‘The Empty Quarter’), and the Arabian Sea. Its geography affords the mainly Ibadi Muslim Omanis with a buffet of desert plains, mountain peaks and astonishing oases. While modern tourism is fresh, Oman was long ago dubbed the Cradle of Scent, a trade centre distributing what was once more precious than gold: frankincense.

Fit For A Queen

… Or rather, a prince and princess. Enjoy the high life as only Monaco can offer, the destination of high rollers since the 19th century.

Rare Vintage

Aquitaine – France’s ‘land of water’ – is quickly becoming known as the second South, a pleasure state of the world’s finest wines, regional charms and heritage gems.