Skin Scents

AKA Hotness in a bottle: perfumes that heighten your pheromones Published: Body+Soul Back in the ’80s, an anonymous financier (I’m getting Jonah Hill in Wolf of Wall Street) paid for a bunch of studies into human pheromones. You can guess what he was hoping for, right? Hotness in a bottle, like, science harnessing the power … Continue reading

Your Best Body

A Saturday night on the town takes about an hour to prep… two if you need to get out the GHD. So how long would you spend on your beauty regimen for a big event such as your wedding – that special moment when you walk down the aisle with myriad eyes upon you? From … Continue reading

Step Into The Light

Need to be rescued from your routine? Vive sheds some light on the new technology that can release you from the beauty treadmill – lasers.